Adam is an alumnus of West-Oak High School where he was a part of the first State Championship team at West-Oak . He went on to receive the Dave Schultz Excellence Award for the state and southeast region which recognizes outstanding wrestling success, scholastic achievement and citizenship. Adam attended the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where he wrestled at a Division 1 level.
Adam has invested his time and talent into our young people through JET wrestling and West-Oak wrestling. Oconee County has enjoyed the honor of 8 state championships, and Adam has had a crucial role in bringing each one home. More than success in wrestling , he has taught young men the value of hard work, discipline, and toughness.
A lifelong Oconee county native, Duncan brings a strong motivation to represent the citizens of Oconee County and not the special interests that are characteristic of too many mainstream career politicians. Adam was raised with a strong work ethic having a father who dedicated 43 years of service to Blue Ridge Electric and a mother who was a small business owner. With two brothers in law enforcement, Adam is a fierce supporter of our men and women in Blue.
Adam solidly supports local small business and not corporate lobbyists. The people of District 2 are weary of the self-serving, opportunistic politics that have characterized our current Representative's long-tenured career of pandering to special interests. Sandifer is a key reason that South Carolina is sadly known as one of the bluest of red states. We desperately need a change. Adam Duncan will listen to the people of Oconee County and represent their conservative values in Columbia.